How to Receive your Permanent License.

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After you purchase the program, you should receive an activation email that will look something like the below image. In this email, you will find your User Name and Activation code. This email would have been sent to the email you used during the checkout process. If you did not receive this email, please contact me as soon as possible at

activation email image

Please select one of the below options

Step 1:

The program has expired already

Please start the program to bring up the registration form.

Registration Form

Step 2:

The program has expired already

Go ahead and click on the orange button "I Received My Activation Email" Which will take you to the form below.

Enter your user name and activation code that was in your activation email into the boxes as seen below. Then click "Request Permanent License" Button.

Registration Form Credentials

Step 3:

The program has expired already

If all went well, you should receive the following message, and with in a few minutes you should receive a new email that contains your permanent license and your new Pass Phrase.

Success Message

Your permanent license email will look like the below image.

Permanent Email

Click the below button for instructions on how to install your physical license file

Install your License

Step 1:

The program has not expired

Please start the program and click any of the two buttons to bring up the activation registration form.

activation buttons location

Step 2:

The program has not expired

Which will show the activation form

Enter your user name and activation code that was in your activation email into the boxes as seen below. Then click "Request Permanent License" Button.

Registration Form Info

Step 3:

The program has not expired

If all went well, you should receive the following message, and with in a few minutes you should receive a new email that contains your license and your new Pass Phrase.

Success Message

Your permanent license email will look like the below image.

Permanent Email

Click the below button for instructions on how to install your physical license file

Install your License